Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Crew with the Soul Survivor and Brenda

Ready for night three...

Team Sash at Finale

Props to Sash, easily the best player this season...on to the after party.

All the bitches love Sash

Season's Greetings from Team Sash

Autographed Team Sash Shirt...get it now on Ebay!

Bid now...

It's ON!

Countdown to finale

This is what's up.

Sunny California?

An updated weather map. Not any different than yesterday's weather map or the day before.

Team Lenny

Voyeur - Girl in the Cage...really.

Voyeur - The Cage

Voyeur - Representing Team Sash



Voyeur - Mom Sash w/ THE Survivor

Why not.

Need to take a loan out for tonight...

Who in the f*** is this guy?


Survivor style....


Getting Crazy on Night 2

Big Pimpin'....

Team Sash + Team Nay...+ tongue

UPDATE: Nay was back to her stealing ways as she helped herself to our bottle of booze and then danced on our couch.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Momma Sash with Darth Vader?!

Yes, Darth...


Sent from my mobile.

Survivor Bad Asses

Chillin' with Russell in the lobby bar...

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Guess I used my credit card last night...this clears some of the haze.

Shannon finally gets what he deserves!!!

Blauchez fail

Full beer, full Ketel One and sprite (WTF, no Maui?) and water. So far the only thing going down is the water.

More Pics from Friday Night 4

More Pics from Friday Night 3

More Pics from Last Night 2

More Pics from Last Night 1

A Survivor Sighting

It's 2:15pm and we've just had our first Nay Onka siting. Coincidentally, we went up stairs and then took off our has been raining non-stop today and they were soaked.

Shortest to tallest

Shannon would think this is "gay"

Ready for Day 2

Hopefully Sash is covering incidentals...this room is a disaster.

I guess we're done, then?

Sent from my mobile.Steve would like to find an A-bar. So he says.

Pimp Daddy 2...

Pimp Daddy...

Friday, December 17, 2010

There you have it.

It's about to get crazy...

Alina's room...

Sent from my off the chain!

John and Alina with the crew


All ready to party...

Sash & Stephanie!

So great.

A lot of respect (read: none at all) to for the early adoption of what to watch for this weekend.

We at are going to bring you the latest in W2W4. You will love Sash before the weekend is over.

More to better believe this.

My ear!

It's 7:30pm on the west coast (55 and rainy, if you're wondering). Steve's flight landed at 11am local time and he just decided to go ride the elevator until his ear pressure leveled out. Hilarious.

Sash went for a cat nap. FYI.

First autograph session

These dudes are great. They can appreciate Sashuation. Sash was the 268th Survivor that "Big Mike" has met. UNBELIEVABLE.

Brown sugar or musk

Either one will probably = win.

That's a Stachuation!

Team Sash at Snow White Bar in Hollywood getting our Friday big boy beers on!